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Winter Talk Series No. 3 – The Coastline of Mourne

Looking at information gathered on three separate biological surveys walking the ‘hidden’ coastline of Mourne, the talk will take us on a journey from Carlingford Lough to Dundrum Inner Bay, looking at the geology and its covering geomorphology, which is of particular interest in the interpretation of the end of the last Ice Age.

We look at surveying the specialised and sometimes rare plants which live on this fringe of land, and how they survive extreme conditions of drought, seawater, wind and waves; we look for interesting sea and wetland birds, and watch how man has treated this fantastic resource.

Jo Whatmough   Tollymore National Outdoor Centre on Thursday, 28th January 2016 at 7pm

(Entry fee £5.00 inc tea/coffee & some tasty treats)   Proceeds to Mourne Heritage Trust

Click here for flyer


Current situation

As you are probably aware the current advice from the Northern Ireland Executive, Health Promotion Agency NI and Health & Safety Executive NI, as well as our expert group within Sport NI is that we cannot deliver any face to face courses for our customers including use of the Hot Rock Climbing Wall.

We know that you and many others like minded folk are very keen to get back on track with your plans to attend and complete a range of personal skills training and qualifications in a range of disciplines.

Believe us when we say we are equally keen to get outside with you and help you reach your goals and complete that journey.

How do we know? Because every day we get emails and phone calls asking when will courses resume and with every NI Executive mention of easing of restrictions the emails and phone calls are more frequent……