Registration with CANI (or another Home Nation) is required prior to attending the course, you should allow at least two weeks prior to your course. If you require assistance on how to register with CANI click HERE.
If you are a British Canoeing, Scottish Canoeing or Canoe Wales member you will register through your member portal. If you are a Canoeing Ireland Member contact the CANI office for assistance with registration.
If you have the Advanced Sea Kayak Award Skills and leadership skills in an advanced water environment you can submit an APL application to go straight to the Advanced Sea Kayak Leader Assessment.
↓ Course summary
Tollymore has been running Advanced Leader Sea Kayak Training for over 15 years. We run our courses on the North coast utilising the Benbane Head, The Causeway, the many surf beaches and of course the many tide races found off Rathlin.
The Advanced Sea Kayak Leader course content covers the following:
This Advanced Leader Sea Kayak Training is intended for paddlers who journey on the sea in areas where tidal races, headlands, open crossings, swell and challenging coastlines may be encountered. The award should be accessible to all those people who journey on the sea and should not be seen as the preserve of a few elite performers. It is envisaged that the average club member canoeing regularly, should be able to obtain this award within three years of starting to paddle.
When the staff meet the group and discuss aspirations and previous experience, they will decide on a more accurate structure for the course. This will ensure that all participants will have the opportunity to learn new skills at a pace that suits them. They will also involve course participants in the planning process, looking at the current weather, use of pilots, charts, tides, logistics, and equipment required.
A variety of skills will be covered over the weekend, including:
Planning journeys along exposed coastlines free from landings and open water crossings
Boat handling skills in advanced water, surf landings, boat control in tidal races, Coping with wind, negotiating reefs etc
Identify and apply a range of leadership styles and group management strategies
Develop safety and rescue skills
Use of equipment appropriate to this environment, tow lines, flares, boat repair
Above are listed some of the essential skills required to journey on the sea at this level. These skills are relevant to those planning to lead others in this environment. All of these areas will be covered in a practical way during the course and reinforced on the evening sessions, giving you the opportunity to learn from the staff and other course participants alike.
Click HERE for the interactive Leadership eLearning will take you through some of the key principles behind the British Canoeing Model of Leadership, ensuring Leaders have a basic knowledge of those principles. This activity is aimed at any Leader.
↓ Who is the course for?
If you’re looking to lead sea kayakers on up to and including advanced tidal water, this two day training focuses on the high level of personal skills, leadership, and safety and rescue skills needed in advanced situations. The training is aimed at those who journey on the sea in areas where tidal races, headlands, open crossings, swell and challenging coastlines will be encountered. The training covers personal paddling skills, rescue skills, safety, leadership and group skills and the theory.
For this Advanced Leader Sea Kayak Training all essential equipment is available from our extensive stores. We advise you not to rush out and buy kit for the course, but use it as a chance to find out what would best suit your needs. If you do have any of your own equipment please feel free to bring it along, however our staff will be required to vet for suitability any equipment such as buoyancy aids and helmets.
Any navigation resources
Map of area, compass - Silvia type 4 or equivalent
Small first aid kit
Vacuum flask
Personal medication
Notebook and pen
Our equipment stores are by far the best around with a stock of over 100 boats from across the range of models there are plenty to choose from! If your thinking of buying a boat come along and ‘try before you buy’ and also get unbiased expert advise from our staff on the most suitable equipment for you.
Again participants are encouraged to bring any of their own personal equipment so they get the opportunity to be coached using the equipment they are most familiar with.
↓ What does my course fee include?
Advanced Leader Sea Kayak Training course fee includes equipment and coaching. The course fee does not include food and accommodation or governing body fees.
↓ Useful books and resources
BCU Canoe & Kayak Handbook
BCU Coaching Handbook
Brown, G. Sea Kayak
Cooper, D. Sea Kayak Handling skills
Ferrero, F. Sea Kayak Navigation
All of the above are published by Pesda Press
Lull, J. Sea Kayaking Safely & Rescue – Published by Wilderness Press
Current situation
As you are probably aware the current advice from the Northern Ireland Executive, Health Promotion Agency NI and Health & Safety Executive NI, as well as our expert group within Sport NI is that we cannot deliver any face to face courses for our customers including use of the Hot Rock Climbing Wall.
We know that you and many others like minded folk are very keen to get back on track with your plans to attend and complete a range of personal skills training and qualifications in a range of disciplines.
Believe us when we say we are equally keen to get outside with you and help you reach your goals and complete that journey.
How do we know? Because every day we get emails and phone calls asking when will courses resume and with every NI Executive mention of easing of restrictions the emails and phone calls are more frequent……